A brief note to someone, and he knows who he is:
I noticed you disappeared from Facebook. I have two accounts, one you’ve never interacted with, and I checked, and I figured out why you were gone.
Curious, I scrolled down to see if your nasty post about Luigi was still up. It’s not there, but I saw this:
Weirdly, my (admittedly aggressive, and now removed because I'm not a huge fan of such things on my wall, even if I post them myself at first) post about not wanting people who support murder in cold blood, lost me a FB friend. Not certain that this is a bad thing.
Just to be absolutely clear, I didn’t unfriend you because I love murder in cold blood. I unfriended you because I was concerned that you would start accusing me of loving murder in cold blood. I’ve seen what passes for “rationality” in your world, honey, and I don’t want any.
I tried. I really did. I would have rather stayed friends with you than have you presuming to speak for me in this way; you and I both know you only didn’t name me because it would have been libel. I don’t have to put up with that. I will not.
And just for the record, I’m not the only one in your Facebook friend circle, former OR CURRENT, who thinks you’re a tad volatile. Maybe you should start wondering how batshit you really look to your friends before you lose another one.
An apology would be nice, too. Publicly. Naming me. I won’t hold my breath. I also won’t interact with you again (you can lose my contact info), but at least we’ll be square. Of course, it won’t happen. But it’s what I’d like to happen.
Also, get help. I don’t care if you avoid meds, but you need to quit avoiding sorting out your shit.
I know you’re here. You can leave my subscriber list or I can make you leave. Choose.
Well, he chose me removing him. That's fine. Bye.