In recent weeks I’ve retooled my main substack to be in more of a diary format, because I got tired of trying to come up with complete articles on the fly. I need to take more time with my writing to produce something actually good, but if I was slower in producing posts, people would be paying me for not much of anything, really. Can’t have that.
At the same time, I didn’t want my pontifications about the gender thing being scattered across posts about other topics. So I was pleased to learn you can add sections to a substack and name them different things. Perfect format for topic specialization.
I set it so that everyone who subscribes to the main ‘stack gets these emails too, and any new subscribers get the whole shebang. If you find the diary stuff boring, those will usually have dates (such as “27 October 2024”) for titles. If it’s got any other sort of title, it’s likely from one of the subsidiary sections. Likely.
I don’t know if you can edit what you get email about, but go look at your subscriber settings. There’ll be something to toggle if you can.
AND, if you’re viewing Substack from a browser, you can see the sections in the menu bar, click on the one you want, and only see posts that were added to that section. That will come in handy in this case, because I plan to organize information in a way that makes it useful in arguments. Right??? I KNOW. Look forward to that.
Okay. This section’s going to be about the trans thing primarily. I will probably also address how gender is used to screw over women and girls even aside from the gender-identity thing. I MAY even touch on how gender screws men and boys over but, honestly, don’t demand that of me. A whole lot of you penis-type folks out there keep your mouths shut about how gender and the patriarchy harm male people until it’s time to shut a feminist up and then all of a sudden, you’re gender-politics experts. Maybe if you’d start speaking out when you are not shouting a woman down, we might start actually taking you seriously. IDK, just a guess. Certainly true for me.
I don’t expect this will be a full-spectrum feminist discussion. I want to do that somewhere, but not here. I still have so many things I want to get going that I haven’t gotten around to yet. Probably not healthy. When am I ever.