JK Rowling has a knack for pissing off the trans cult. This post would be much longer than I’m intending to make it if I cited every example, but here’s a recent one:
Jo, unlike some advocacy groups still trying to play the middle ground, is absolutely correct in her position that there are no “trans kids.” In fact, there is no “trans,” and in this essay I will explain why.
No, it’s not because I’m hateful. Shut the fuck up, for once, and read on.
Point the first: Word games
Just to make sure we’re all on the same page, you’re probably aware that when we speak of a “trans woman” or a “trans man,” we are speaking of a so-called “woman” or so-called “man” whose body doesn’t look quite like we expect a woman’s or man’s body, respectively, to look. So a “trans woman” would have a penis where we expected to see a vulva, or else will have had surgery to make the genital area look vaguely (but not really) like a vulva, and a “trans man” would have a vulva where we expected to see a penis or, occasionally, has had surgery meant to approximate (but not really) a penis.
So the prefix trans- is used to denote these people, and gendergits also use the prefix cis- to denote people who have the genitalia that normal people expect them to have. So a “cis woman” would have a naturally-occurring vulva, and a “cis man” usually has a natural penis, unless he got it caught in a trailer hitch or something.
Gendergits insist that using the prefixes trans- and cis- is valid because those prefixes are used in chemistry. As far as it goes, it’s true that the field of chemistry uses those prefixes. The problem is that when the field of chemistry uses the prefixes trans- and cis-, they’re meant to indicate two versions of the same molecule. A trans-fatty acid, for instance, is not a carbohydrate identifying as a fat. It is still a fat molecule, but configured differently than the usual fat molecule. It would actually be more accurate to refer to a woman taking testosterone as a “trans woman” since she’s still a woman but has arranged her body in a slightly different way. In fact, I have seen people on social media be confused by this and refer to “trans men” as “trans women” for that very reason. They took chemistry in high school or college, y’see. Back before the woke idiots took over campus, anyway.
So, make no mistake: the entire purpose of referring to a man on testosterone blockers and estradiol who’s had tit implants as a “trans woman” is to argue that he is a woman and has always been a woman, but just happens to be shaped a bit differently than usual for a woman. This is why many radical feminists refuse to use the term. This sort of man is not any sort of woman, never has been, and never will be.
And the reason he isn’t a woman is because…
Point the second: Human sex change
…does not exist. Human sex change does not exist. Humans do not change sex. Ever.
Do not mistake me. I’m not saying that human sex change is wrong or that humans who change sex are immoral. I am saying humans don’t change sex.
Not if they go on hormone dosing better-suited to the opposite sex.
Not if they get special surgeries.
Not if they get tit implants.
Not if they change their names.
Not if the government changes their legal documentation.
Not if their employer gets to count hiring them as actually being a hire of someone of the opposite sex for DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) purposes.
Not one bit. Ever. At all. Period.
(Which, by the way, “trans women” never have. Sorry, fellas.)
(No, I’m not.)
I could go into all sorts of detailed biological descriptions and arguments as to why human sex change does not happen, but if you’re dumb or naïve enough to believe humans can change sex, science would only bore you. I will simply argue this: You were about to tell me that some animals, such as clownfish, DO change sex. All right. I agree with you. That does happen. So, tell me. When was the last time you saw a clownfish use a gender clinic?
You’re laughing, right? I ain’t laughing. It ain’t funny. THINK. Maybe for the first time in your life. When your sex was determined at your conception, did your mom need to go to a clinic to make that happen? When you started natural puberty, did you have to go to a clinic to make that happen? Did it ever occur to you that when an animal changes sex, maybe it just spontaneously happens the same way you spontaneously started going through puberty? Because YES, that’s how it happens.
If you have to force it, that means it doesn’t naturally happen. If a biological thing never naturally happens in a species, that means the species is incapable of doing that biological thing.
Real sex change is indeed biological. But people can’t do it. No human ever has.
Not even if they have a special “intersex” condition that makes them grow a wang at puberty. That’s a disorder of sexual development, not a sex change. Sorry.
(No, I’m not.)
And just for the record, going back to the morality question I addressed at the beginning of this section, I do not believe sex change is immoral. I wanted to make sure that was absolutely clear. If human beings were capable of true sex change, there’d be nothing to debate about. A man who really could turn into a woman would, as a woman, be zero threat to women in restrooms, changing rooms, prisons, hospitals, and sports (well — no more threat than any other real woman would be). No child would be sterilized in the name of sex change; they’d simply be fertile as the opposite sex. (For that matter, they probably would change sex in adulthood, not as kids. That’s how clownfish do it.) But those things are not happening, because human sex change doesn’t happen.
And here’s something else that doesn’t happen.
Point the third: Fuck your feelings
God, y’all, what the fuck do you think womanhood is?
The number one argument from a man pretending to be a woman: Well, I feel like a woman, so I’m a woman.
Other women have pointed this out, but I’ll use simpler language: You cannot possibly know what it means to feel like a woman when you have never actually been one. I’m sure you have quite the fertile imagination. Only someone with no meaningful life experience could so spectacularly fail to understand that what you imagine is almost never anywhere near the reality. I have lost count of how many times over my half-century I have envisioned something I’ve never done or experienced before, only to actually go do or experience it and find out how very fucking wrong I was in my imaginings.
Dudes? “Trans women”? You do NOT know what it feels like to be me. You never will. Go right the fuck ahead and come to terms with that because reality is never going to be anything else for you.
Even if a man could feel like a woman and know for sure that he was feeling like a woman, guess what? Feelings don’t determine what sex you are. Being of the female sex — meaning, in humans, that one was born with ovaries — is required in order to participate in womanhood. If that isn’t true, then the word womanhood means nothing. What the fuck did you think womanhood was? A fucking mood? What color does that turn a mood ring’s stone? What neurotransmitters does it trigger off? What sort of face do you make when the feeling comes on? (Don’t actually demonstrate. Given how addicted to porn these guys are, and all. Yuck.)
Feelings. Fuck feelings. Let’s say we’ve got a woman who was in a car wreck and had a head injury and she’s now comatose. No one has ever had the chance to ask her what her gender identity is, and now they can’t because she won’t answer. The doctors all call her a woman. But she’s in a coma. As far as we know, people in a comatose state don’t experience emotions. They don’t have any particular opinion about anything. So has this person stopped being a woman? Why or why not?
Or, let’s think up a really fucking weird hypothetical. A girl is born with limited brain function and grows up without ever learning the word “woman.” So now she’s an adult and has never spoken, never learned to talk, can’t read or write. Is she a woman? Why or why not?
Do you begin to see how stupid you are?
It’s dumber yet. How many fucking years did we fight to educate people that women are not our stereotypes? And now you’ve gone and insisted that the stereotypes make the woman after all. Did you really think we weren’t gonna fight you on this? Who is your meth supplier, so’s we can nuke ‘em from orbit? Thanks.
What I’m trying to say with all of this is that no definition of “trans” works in the real world. It’s never been anything but a fantasy. A figment of the imagination. A misdiagnosis giving rise to extreme quackery. If a person born with a dick is not any sort of woman and a human can’t change sex and sex is not based on feelings then what are you left with, really? This is possibly the biggest political scam we have endured in living memory. And I’m old enough to remember “satanic panic.”
For fuck’s sake, we have put men on the moon. We have got to do better than this, and before any more kids get poisoned or cut up, or before one more woman is raped by a cellmate with a penis in prison. Please.
If “better” means we send ALL men to the moon, whatever. If you have any better ideas that mean men get to stay here, though, now would be the time.
Anytime I see the "CIS" prefix slung about as if it actually means anything for people, my quip has been:
"Don't CIS on my leg and tell me it's raining."
~ GeekGurl2000
Feel free to use my quote as you see fit.."