I’ve been wanting to back away from Facebook anyway but it’s taking on a special urgency because I swear to fucking god there are a lot of people fucking fortunate that I cannot punch them in the face via Facebook Messenger.
And speaking of punching in the face, how about that Algerian asshole pretending to be a woman so he can abuse women legally in public and win prizes doing it?
I just wanted to do a quick rundown of the stupidity I’ve been seeing on social media in case any of you need it for reference. And please do fucking quote me. Better yet, share this link with them and I’ll fucking cuss ‘em for you.
“Imane Khelif is a cis woman”
We’ve been over this before: there’s no such person as a “cisgendered woman.” Woman is not a gender. Gender, or sexist/sex-based stereotype, has nada to do with whether someone is a woman or a man, which are biological realities that we don’t get a say in, no matter how many drugs we shoot up or how many surgeries we get.
They’re trying to say he was born female. He most assuredly was not. The International Boxing Association tested him and the Taiwanese boxer also presently at the Olympics and cheating in the women’s category. Both came back with XY chromosomes and were kicked out of any women’s boxing matches under the IBA’s auspices. They could have appealed the decision. They did not. That should tell you everything.
No female person is ever born with a Y chromosome. Ever. Every single Y-bearer develops testes or streak testes.
“But she has Swyer syndrome, so she grew a uterus and Fallopian tubes and ovaries”
Swyer syndrome only happens in males, and they never develop ovaries. If they did develop ovaries, they’d be female and we would not be having this discussion.
“I heard she was intersex”
Intersex is a misnomer; it implies that someone can be in between male and female. This was an early forerunner to the “non-binary” label, I think. And it doesn’t happen. These are people with disorders/differences of sexual development (DSDs) and every single one of them’s sexed one or the other. Know how you can tell? Their gonadal tissue is a dead giveaway. I’ve said it a million times: Born with ovaries = female, born with testes = male.
Part of the problem is that science used to teach that genitals are the primary sex characteristic, and then they learned more about human sexual development and found out that was incorrect. Genitals are secondary, not primary; you develop what genitals you get based on influence by other factors, mainly which type of gonad you have. It is possible for a male to be born with a vulva (the thing you all keep incorrectly calling a “vagina”). He was born with one because something was not typical in his genetics or his hormone levels and so he never fully masculinized. Sometimes, as in the condition 5-ARD (which Caster Semenya, another MAN, has), his body catches up later. Sometimes, as in the condition complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), it never does. He’s still male.
We don’t actually know whether the Algerian Asshole has a DSD, last I’ve been able to find out. Scuttlebutt is that if he does have one, it’s likely 5-ARD. You can LOOK at him and tell that he did masculinize, at puberty if not earlier. I am FUCKING BAFFLED why people refuse to see this CLEARLY OBVIOUS FACT.
“But her family raised her as a girl”
Oh, you mean his family are a bunch of sexists who think you have to raise girls in a completely different way than you raise boys and, because for whatever reason that they wanted this kid to be a girl, they used girl-raising techniques to raise him? Did you think that’s where little girls came from: you put a dress on the kid and poof, she’s a girl? Are you on a paint-chip diet of the lead variety, perchance? Are you huffing glue? Did your father throw you up in the air five times when you were a baby and each time “accidentally” fail to catch you on the way down? Did you then land on your empty fucking head? My sympathies, but please get the fuck off my internet. You’re wasting my good pixels posting sexist bullshit.
“Every time a woman does really well, people call her a man”
This is usually a bigoted dog whistle aimed at white women because often the person being contested is a person of color from a developing country. But you know who usually labels dark-skinned women as men? Men. It’s mostly been men who labeled Michele Obama a “trans woman” or simply a man, and it was mostly men who did that to Serena Williams, whose name has been invoked quite a bit this past week in a bid to drum up pity for the cheating Algerian bastard.
Well. I leave it to you:
If you can’t tell which one’s the woman, get your fucking eyes checked.
Serena has been pregnant, by the way, HOW many times now? And given birth HOW many times? If anyone is left still calling her a man, they’ve not been keeping up with the news. NO, you don’t have to be able to get pregnant to be a woman, but if you CAN get pregnant, you’re either a woman or a postpubescent girl. A female person, in other words. Without a Y chromosome.
Which does NOT describe the Algerian.
Okay? Can we stop having these stupid arguments now? Can all you gender cultists just for once shut the sweet fuck up? We just watched a man punch a woman in the face, MULTIPLE TIMES, and you CHEERED. Do you still think you’re the good guys? Not only are you not the good guys, you’ve never been the good guys and you better hope I’m right and there’s no hell because holy shit, I think you finally bought your fucking tickets.
Get men OUT of women’s sports. Forever.
Another brilliant article. One hopes your comments resonate with the affected idiots, hopefully the odd one but I have my doubts about most , most live on the surface and sit comfortably there spewing nonsense. However the influence on the odd one, even a slight shift is how change begins