Another brilliant article. One hopes your comments resonate with the affected idiots, hopefully the odd one but I have my doubts about most , most live on the surface and sit comfortably there spewing nonsense. However the influence on the odd one, even a slight shift is how change begins

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I'm more blowing off steam because I'm with you: I don't think this is going to convince too many of the idiots. What's really disheartening are all the WOMEN going along with the charade... like... we're actually better than men are at telling women and men apart? What the fuck have these women been smoking?

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Aug 5Liked by Dana Seilhan

Yes, I agree with you, I to am surprised at the women going along with this whole thing. Many like you have commented offering current information, biological information etc. and most stay stuck in their ignorance. I just have to conclude that there are a great deal of really stupid people. Anyone that would indicate an

ounce of curiosity would examine the info and look further to gain more clarity. They don't, they just come back at you with comments digging themselves under sounding more ignorant than before. Humans for the most part are limited, fearful and lazy to become more informed.

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I know. I'm always pleasantly surprised when someone displays a capacity for curiosity. I've gotten in-person acquainted with the author Derrick Jensen in the past few months, and he's one of those curious people. And of course gets branded a transphobe right along with the rest of us.

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