About me

Hi! I’m Dana.

Hi, Dana!

I’m a fiftysomething Southerner (Cajun) mother of two adult children. I grew up a Navy brat, went into the Army, got married and divorced once each, and then spent a lot of years in a dead-end situation with the father of my second child. I’ve brushed elbows with some interesting people (you would recognize the names of my current housemate, L, and near neighbor, who I’ll call Neighbor here, if you run in certain ecological and/or political circles) and have been in some weird-ass situations, many of which I think are worth relating.

Oh, and I have a pottymouth, so watch out for that.

About this Substack

This is my “main” Substack where pretty much anything goes. It will probably operate a lot like a blog, except certain functions are reserved for paying members.

Chat: Any paying member can start a conversation there. Play nice.

Commenting: What it says on the tin. I may open it up for a free-for-all now and again, but let me get settled into a routine first. If I ever do.

Content: Some posts are public, most are not. Paid members can see the “not.”

If you want to start from the first post, paid members can start here, people who want to read the gender stuff can start here, and people who want to read about my time homeless (there’s nothing there but the introduction as of 21 January ‘25, but will be at some point) can start here. The two latter sections are free, and all posts have previous/next links enabled at the bottom of the post, and you shouldn’t encounter any broken links. You’ll just go through what you’re able to go through. I checked.

I also have a separate Substack because I got a bee in my bonnet, though that one’s totally free:

Rebutting Butler

About the name

I used to have this boyfriend who would sign off his emails, no matter who they were for, with the tagline “Just an earthbound misfit, I.” If you didn’t know, that’s half a line from Pink Floyd’s song “Learning To Fly,” not to be confused with “Learn To Fly” by the Foo Fighters, which is also an excellent song even if Dave Grohl is a cheating wanker. Anyway, I loved Pink Floyd’s song before I met that boyfriend, and I kept loving it long after we broke up, and good riddance.

I use the entire line (“Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I”) on my personal website, and I frequently use the handle “urthboundmisfit” in social media, both because “earthboundmisfit” is usually taken and because I once knew a woman who went by “urthlvr” online (we were in a Neopagan group, and back then they still pretended to be environmentalists), and I thought that spelling was cool.

And that’ll be all the explanation you never asked for.

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Alienated middle-aged woman talks about life, (possibly) the universe, and (some of) everything.


tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I